Cultivation and Vertical Farming Irrigation

irri-CURB™ and irri-GROW™, is the future of a  healthier cleaner globe,  a very exciting one, encompassing many advances in Automated Irrigation. As a company working to improve age-old irrigation systems in Commercial, Residential, Agricultural and Nursery Cultivation, our Tech development is also focused on the future of Vertical Farming. irri-GROW is an extension of irri-CURB, focusing on the development of vertical farms, not only for the future of largescale vertical farms producing in massive warehouses in the middle of suburbia, but to bring vertical growing to the home, where little focus has been placed on the values of smaller home grows that produce a households fresh produce on the walls of the garage, or basement, or outdoor walls of homes around the world, all cared for and controlled by our high-tech Eco-Smart Intelligent User Platform (IUP). While maintaining our focus on both largescale and small fresh produce vertical farming, we will continue to remain focused on taking advantage of our primary manufacturing materials, waste tire rubber crumb and waste plastics to produce multi-level vertical structures for commercial and residential scales.


irri-GROW™ the future in Nursery Cultivation & Vertical Farming


Our company anticipates, irri-CURB as a company will consume millions pounds of waste tire rubber crumb per year, millions of waste tires within our first couple of years of production. As we launch additional product lines across the US, consumption will increase significantly, doubling, tripling and quadrupling with our first 5 years of operations. irri-CURB and irri-GROW  will save users approximately 65-80% of their water consumption, not to mention energy and reducing the heavy carbon footprint waste and resource consumption is having on our globe. When irri-GROW™ is installed in Agricultural, Cultivation or Vertical Farming, the system installed is a complete open pipe layout. Both irri-CURB™ and irri-GROW™ can simply be snap connected in any layout, then disconnected, redirected and set out in new layouts any time thereafter, without the need to cut piping, or waste valuable time with regualr time/labor inentsive irrigation systems. With every move and relocation, regardless if indoor or outdoor, the system can rescan each device, setting new locations and status within the Automation System, for continued operational status, verification, operational integrity and collection of data through the Data Analytics System.